Create garage export

Create garage export to others scripts

Due to the high demand for creating garages for other scripts, we created this exclusive export so that you can create garages in other scripts.

Here's how to create a simple export to export a garage:

-- Name: Garage title name (blip, name, etc)
-- Data: We declare all the data with the example below
exports['qs-advancedgarages']:CreateGarage(name, data)

Example of the export successfully executed:

    exports['qs-advancedgarages']:CreateGarage('Test', {
        owner = true,
        available = false,
        isImpound = false,
        type = 'vehicle',
        coords = {
            menuCoords = vector3(832.22, -1264.15, 26.29),
            spawnCoords = vector4(832.22, -1264.15, 26.29, 180.0),
            polyzone = {
                points = {
                    vec3(810.61, -1249.24, 26.29),
                    vec3(846.97, -1256.82, 26.29),
                    vec3(875.00, -1300.76, 26.29),
                    vec3(829.55, -1349.24, 26.29),
                    vec3(809.09, -1350.76, 26.29)
        shell = {
            shell = 1
        price = 10000

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