Client exports

Automatic and manual exports

Obtain the plate natively

This is a simple copy and paste code to integrate it into your code to obtain the plate.

local model = GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(veh))
local plate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(veh)

Automatic exports

Automatic exports will give you the keys without having to put anything, but it will only work if the player is inside a vehicle.

This export only has one condition, that the player is inside a vehicle, if he is not in a car it will not work.

GiveKeysAuto - Export to give the keys of the vehicle in which you are.


RemoveKeysAuto - Export to remove the keys of the vehicle in which you are.


GetKeyAuto - This export checks if the player has keys to the vehicle he is in.


Manual exports

Manual exports need 2 values, the license plate and the model name. This export will always work.

This export needs 2 values, the plate and the name of the model

GiveKeys - Export to give the keys of a specified vehicle.

-- plate: Vehicle plate
-- model: Vehicle model
exports['qs-vehiclekeys']:GiveKeys(plate, model)

RemoveKeys - Export to remove the keys of a specified vehicle.

-- plate: Vehicle plate
-- model: Vehicle model
exports['qs-vehiclekeys']:RemoveKeys(plate, model)

GetKey - Export to know if the player is in the specified vehicle.

-- plate: Vehicle plate

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