Step 3

How does the system work

Quasar Fuel Stations is a super revolutionary system that promises to give maximum realism to your server. This asset will add different areas on the map to refuel, where you can choose multiple options.

All the parameters mentioned in this section are configurable, this asset includes exclusive and very extensive configurations.

This asset includes the possibility of using target system, using ox_target and qb-target. For other compatibilities, it has the code partially open to add more.

We have a fuel nozzle system where we can take the hose with its nozzle and put it in our car to fill its fuel. Where we can throw fuel on the ground, charge our car as desired and we can even pull the hose and explode, this last function includes a configurable function since many will not want to use explosions!

The other option is to buy a fuel can and charge your car. This can has a limited durability and can be recharged at any time!

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