Editable commands

Welcome to Editable commands

Remember that the /openlong command (L key) and the /movesmall command (U key) can only be used with the small dispatch menu open.

Default (unchangeable) commands can be configured in the config.lua file.

Config.Commands = {
     ["OpenLargue"] = "toggleopendispatch", -- Prefer not to change this
     ["OpenSmall"] = "togglesmalldispatch", -- Prefer not to change this
     ["MoveSmall"] = "movesmalldispatch", -- Command to move the small dispatch
     ["DisableSpeedRadar"] = 'disablespeedradar', -- Command to disable speed radar
     ["OpenMdt"] = 'openmdt' -- Command to open the police MDT

In the commands.lua file located in the client/custom/misc/ folder, you will find a list of commands that you can edit according to your needs. The available commands are:

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