
List of useful commands for the basic functions of your server using our asset, you can execute them using ExecuteCommand or read them informatively.


Close Inventory


Closes the player's inventory instantly.



Opens the player's inventory instantly.



Opens the player's hotbar instantly.



Raise your hands and enable the button to draw from said player if you open the inventory in a close range of the player.

Search player


Search the nearest player to steal or check their items.

Random items


test command that will give you a random amount of items, used for general testing of the asset.

Reset inventory

/resetinv id

Resets the selected player's inventory.

Clear inventory

/clearinv id

Clears the selected player's inventory and leaves it completely empty.

Give item

/giveitem id item count

Deliver items to a specific player, selecting his id, item name and quantity, he sends items and also sends weapons.

Give weapon

/giveweapon id weapon ammo

Deliver only weapons, you must select the id, weapon and number of ammo.

Repair weapon

/repairweapon id

Repairs the weapons of the selected player through his id, all weapons go to 100% durability.

Open inventory target

/openinventorytarget id

Administrative command to check the inventory of a target player

Last updated