Real estate

Welcome to real estate job syste

As you well know, qs-housing is a system of real estate agents that will create houses for sale within your server. Here you will have the complete working configuration, where you can configure whether to access the work menu, or even keys to open this menu, if you want to remove options from the menu or more.

Config.RealEstateMenu = true -- Enable keybind of Config.KeyHouseMenuRealEstate, if need changes go to client/modules/commands.lua
Config.EnableBossMenu = true
Config.EnableDeleteHousesRealEstate = true
Config.KeyHouseMenuRealEstate = 'F6'
Config.HousingTypes = { mlo = true, shell = true, ipl = true }
Config.Realestatejob = {
    ['realestate'] = true,
    ['realestatejob'] = true,

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