Ambulance dispatch

Welcome to Ambulance dispatch

As all phones had one, Quasar Smartphone should have it too. Quasar Smartphone, will allow the "ambulance" to receive distress messages via Message, so that they are always alert when saving lives.

To execute this function we will only have to apply a small change in our esx_ambulancejob.

To modify this part we just have to find the function SendDistressSignal() and modify it by the following.

Choose one of the two options, Messages or Business, but we recommend Business as it is more complete and functional

function SendDistressSignal()
  local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
  local coords = GetEntityCoords(playerPed)
  local message = "Injured person" -- The message that will be received.
  local alert = {
      message = message,
      -- img = "img url", -- You can add image here (OPTIONAL).
      location = coords,

  TriggerServerEvent('qs-smartphone:server:sendJobAlert', alert, "ambulance") -- "Your ambulance job"
  TriggerServerEvent('qs-smartphone:server:AddNotifies', {
      head = "Google My Business", -- Message name.
      msg = message,
      app = 'business'

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