Phone technician

Welcome to Phone technician

In case your phone has been broken or perhaps you forgot your password, you can count on the Telephone Technician.

This only allows one point on the map, but it will charge you some money to repair your wet phone or to change the password.

Your complete configuration will be inside config.lua.

Config.ResetPassword = {
    spawnNPC = true,
    spots = {
            coords = vec3(-1524.32, -409.3, 35.6),
            money = 500,
            text = '[E] - Telephone Technician',
            ped = {
                h = 230.65,
                model = `hc_hacker`
            blip = {
                name = 'Telephone technician',
                sprite = 89,
                color = 1,
                scale = 0.7

        --[[ {
            coords = vec3(-1500.553833, -432.039551, 35.547974),
            money = 500,
            text = '[E] - Telephone Technician',
            ped = {
                h = 230.65,
                model = `hc_hacker`
            blip = {
                name = 'Telephone technician',
                sprite = 89,
                color = 1,
                scale = 0.7
        }, ]]

        -- Add more spots here
    okokTextUI = {
        enable = true,                                   -- Habilitar el sistema de UI de texto
        colour = { r = 255, g = 255, b = 255, a = 255 }, -- Color del texto UI
        position = 'center'                              -- Posición del texto UI

Last updated