
Welcome to Petrolcan System

This step is essential for the role of any server, therefore I will attach here some previously modified files so that you can use them automatically, we will also add the modification that was made to be able to execute it correctly.

After the resource executes SetPedAmmo(ped, 883325847, math.floor(GetAmmoInPedWeapon(ped, 883325847) - fuelToAdd * 100)) in source/fuel_client.lua, we'll add the following event:

TriggerEvent('inventory:client:LegacyFuel', math.floor(GetAmmoInPedWeapon(ped, 883325847) - fuelToAdd * 100))

If you want the file correctly modified, use the following file:

It depends on the version of LegacyFuel you will have to add an event so that it gives you the item since some versions do not bring that natively, use our resource and it will be more functional and faster for you.

Last updated