Weed planting

Welcome to weed plants

Weed planting system integrated with qs-housing, with this you can plant weed inside your house using seeds and water, you can enable and configure this system to your liking in config.lua

Config.Plants = false                          -- Enable weed plants?
Config.PlantsLimit = 5                         -- Limit plants
Config.HarvestTime = 5                         -- Setting it by hours (1 = 60 minutes)
Config.PoliceFirePlants = true                 -- Police can fire plants?
Config.HarvestItem = 'empty_weed_bag'          -- Require item for harvestItem
Config.HarvestAmountWeed = math.random(12, 16) -- Amount of weed that will give you
Config.HarversAmountSeeds = {                  -- Quantity of seeds that dates you depending on the gender
    male = math.random(1, 5),
    female = math.random(3, 8),

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