
Welcome to peds section

You can change the model or location to copy the keys or sell the plate to the NPC.

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-- Ped for copy the keys.
Config.CopyKeysNpcName = 's_m_y_xmech_01'
Config.CopyKeysPedLocation = vec4(-31.402076721191, -1647.4393310547, 29.282875061035, 68.450233459473)

-- Ped for buying the plate item.
Config.PlateNpcName = 'mp_m_waremech_01'
Config.PlateNPCLocation = vec4(-40.4748, -1674.6696, 29.4845, 153.7328)

-- Distance you want the ped to render.
Config.PedRenderDistance = 10.0

Last updated