Phone notifications

Welcome to Phone notifications

In this short tutorial you will learn how to add customizable Notify, which are useful for other scripts like missions, illegal sales, or even in your vehicleshop.

To customize the notification icon, we will add the .png images in the corresponding directories of qs-smartphone.

TriggerEvent('qs-smartphone:client:notify', {
    title = 'Title',
    text = 'Description',
    icon = "./img/apps/whatsapp.png",
    timeout = 1500

We also have a notification system inside the lockscreen, this will not give an alert, it will just appear, but it sounds great if you put it together with the first notification.

This event will work only in CLIENT.

TriggerServerEvent('qs-smartphone:server:AddNotifies', {
    head = 'Title',
    msg = 'Description',
    app = 'image name' -- qs-smartphone/html/img/app/imagename.png.

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