Step 8

Voice system

Very important step, since without it, we will never be able to talk on the phone with other players and there could even be critical errors in your server

The voice is your script to be able to communicate between players by voice within your server, examples such as pma-voice, mumble-voice, etc...

You can go directly to config.lua and edit the following configuration to be able to run your voice by default

In case your voice is not working or you use a custom one, you can access client/custom/misc/calls.lua or server/custom/misc/calls.lua to add or modify the existing ones, since the code of the calls is completely open source

    It is very important that you choose the name of your script and what voice script you use on your server.
    If your voice system does not appear here, you can configure in config_calls_client and config_calls_server

    'pma'     Most Recommended script ``
    'mumble'  Deprecated script ``
    'toko'   ``
    'salty'  `` ``

Config.Voice = 'pma'

-- That is only to verify that your script is started, it is necessary that you put the name of the folder of your script
Config.VoiceScriptName = 'pma-voice'

In Config.VoiceScriptName remember to set the name of the voice system folder you use.

Last updated