
Welcome to thefts

With this function you can edit the mini robbery game, between easy and hard, you can alter the minimum and maximum time of chance to open the vehicle, as well as enable or disable the steal of npc vehicles.

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-- You can edit here : qs-vehiclekeys/config/hotwire.lua

Config.MiniGameHotWireStyle = 'easy' -- Available Style 'easy' or 'hard'

'easy' = lib.skillCheck({'easy', 'easy', 'easy', 'easy', 'easy'})
'hard' = lib.skillCheck({'easy', 'easy', {areaSize=70, speedMultiplier=1}, 'easy'}, {'z', 'q', 's', 'd'})

Config.TimeMin = 1000 -- Minimum time to hotwire
Config.TimeMax = 5000 -- Maximun time to hotwire
Config.ChanceToHotwire = 99

Config.WhitelistVehicles = { -- This list of vehicles won't have hotwire.

Config.StealVehiclesPeds = true -- If you enable this, players can target an NPC driver to receive their keys.
Config.StealVehiclesPedsPolice = 50 -- This is the chance for the NPC to call the police after being

Last updated