
Contents of config.lua

Config = {}
Config.Debug = false
Config.Framework = 'esx' -- esx / qb
Config.Language = 'en' -- en / es

    Inventory system will you use (NEED METADATA) DEFAULT COMPATIBLE WITH:
        - qs-inventory
        - none

Config.Inventory = 'qs-inventory'
Config.InvoiceItemName = 'bill_paper' -- item name TO VIEW SPECIFICiNVOICE

Config.Keys = {
    ['OpenArcadeBillingMenu'] = 'F7'

Config.AutoPayInterval = 10 -- in minutes 
Config.LimitToPayInvoice = 7 -- in days 
-- [[NOT AVAILABLE AT THE MOMENT]] -- Config.ChargesOfUnpaidInvoiceByDay = 10 -- 10% of the invoice amount of charges per day of not paid invoice and if the invoice is unpayed after Limit to pay invoice days
Config.SocietyPrefix = 'society_'
Config.PercentageOfElectronicTransaction = 3 -- this percentege is the amount + the percentage of the invoice amount 

Config.PlayersDistanceDetect = 10.0 -- distance to detect players in the map

Config.Societys = {
    ['police'] = {
        canAccessGrade = { -- can view all invoices of the society, delete and mark as payed
            [4] = true,
            ['boss'] = true,

Config.PresentialBillingPayment = {
    ['Enabled'] = true,
    ['Distance'] = 1.5,
    ['Blips'] = {
        enabled = true,
        sprite = 207,
        display = 4,
        scale = 0.8,
        colour = 2,
        shortRange = true,
    ['Points'] = {
            label = 'Pay Invoice', -- if you need stack the blip in the map you can use the same label in all points
            coords = vector3(241.8698, 224.2415, 106.2868),
            markerId = 21,
            distance = 3
            label = 'Pay Invoice',
            coords = vector3(246.7510, 222.9073, 106.2868),
            markerId = 21,
            distance = 3
            label = 'Pay Invoice',
            coords = vector3(-1270.0256, -3048.5208, 13.9807),
            markerId = 21,
            distance = 3

Last updated