
Contents of config.lua

Welcome to the qs-housing configuration!

To start configuring your new asset, please read carefully each step in the documentation that we will attach at the end of this message.

Each important part of the configuration will be highlighted with a box. like this one you are reading now, where I will explain step by step each configuration available within this file.

This is not all, most of the settings, you are free to modify it as you wish and adapt it to your framework in the most comfortable way possible. The configurable files you will find all inside client/custom/* or inside server/custom/*.

Direct link to the resource documentation, read it before you start:

Config = Config or {}
Locales = Locales or {}

Keys = {
    ['ESC'] = 322,
    ['F1'] = 288,
    ['F2'] = 289,
    ['F3'] = 170,
    ['F5'] = 166,
    ['F6'] = 167,
    ['F7'] = 168,
    ['F8'] = 169,
    ['F9'] = 56,
    ['F10'] = 57,
    ['~'] = 243,
    ['1'] = 157,
    ['2'] = 158,
    ['3'] = 160,
    ['4'] = 164,
    ['5'] = 165,
    ['6'] = 159,
    ['7'] = 161,
    ['8'] = 162,
    ['9'] = 163,
    ['-'] = 84,
    ['='] = 83,
    ['BACKSPACE'] = 177,
    ['TAB'] = 37,
    ['Q'] = 44,
    ['W'] = 32,
    ['E'] = 38,
    ['R'] = 45,
    ['T'] = 245,
    ['Y'] = 246,
    ['U'] = 303,
    ['P'] = 199,
    ['['] = 39,
    [']'] = 40,
    ['ENTER'] = 18,
    ['CAPS'] = 137,
    ['A'] = 34,
    ['S'] = 8,
    ['D'] = 9,
    ['F'] = 23,
    ['G'] = 47,
    ['H'] = 74,
    ['K'] = 311,
    ['L'] = 182,
    ['LEFTSHIFT'] = 21,
    ['Z'] = 20,
    ['X'] = 73,
    ['C'] = 26,
    ['V'] = 0,
    ['B'] = 29,
    ['N'] = 249,
    ['M'] = 244,
    [','] = 82,
    ['.'] = 81,
    ['LEFTCTRL'] = 36,
    ['LEFTALT'] = 19,
    ['SPACE'] = 22,
    ['RIGHTCTRL'] = 70,
    ['HOME'] = 213,
    ['PAGEUP'] = 10,
    ['PAGEDOWN'] = 11,
    ['DELETE'] = 178,
    ['LEFT'] = 174,
    ['RIGHT'] = 175,
    ['TOP'] = 27,
    ['DOWN'] = 173,
    ['ENTER'] = 201,
    ['N4'] = 108,
    ['N5'] = 60,
    ['N6'] = 107,
    ['N+'] = 96,
    ['N-'] = 97,
    ['N7'] = 117,
    ['N8'] = 61,
    ['N9'] = 118

    The first thing will be to choose our main language, here you can choose
    between the default languages that you will find within locales/*,
    if yours is not there, feel free to create it!

Config.Language = 'en'

    Framework configuration and scripts of your server!
    In the following configurations you will see the mandatory scripts that
    you should configure in your new housing system, as inventory for the
    stashes, clothing for your wardrobes, synchronization system of
    weather and climate, menu systems, and much more.

    Remember that most of these settings are freely modifiable.
    inside client/custom/* and server/custom/*, but I'll give you the options that
    you have by default:









    The qs-garages and qb-garages options are not editable, so they are selectable but not editable.
    Remember that you can modify them and even create more yourself.

    In case of using 'ox_lib', you must enable it in the first lines of fxmanifest.lua, it is marked there!

Config.Framework = 'qb'

Config.MenuType = 'qb-menu'
Config.Inventory = 'qs-inventory'
Config.Wardrobe = 'qb-clothing'
Config.Garage = 'qs-advancedgarages' -- or some option above
Config.Logout = 'drop'
Config.Weather = 'qb-weathersync'
Config.HelpNotification = 'DrawText3D'

    Basic configuration of your new housing!
    Next you will see the basic configurations that will allow you
    control most of the basic functionalities of the resource.

    The configurables that do not have a comment, you can read the name of
    their title to see what they do, some are pretty obvious and not
    you need to give it a description.

Config.Smartphone = false -- This enables dispatch email to real estate agents

Config.RemoveRain = true
Config.HideMapDecorateMode = true
Config.SetEntityVisible = true -- Be invisible inside decorate mode?
Config.DecorateDistance = 100  -- Distance you can fly decorating.
Config.VisitTime = 60000       -- In ms

Config.LimitOfKeys = 10        -- Limit of keys that can be owned by house.
Config.LimitOfHouses = 5       -- Limit of houses for each player.

Config.BlipsOptions = {
    OwnedHouses = true,    -- Shows the houses that the player bought
    AvalibleHouses = true, -- Shows the houses that are not bought
    BoughtHouses = true,   -- Shows houses bought by other players
    ShowAllHouses = false, -- Shows all houses equally with owner and without owner alike

Config.Blips = {
    ['SetBlipSprite'] = 40,
    ['SetBlipDisplay'] = 4,
    ['SetBlipScale'] = 0.45,
    ['SetBlipAsShortRange'] = true,
    ['SetBlipColour'] = 0,
    ['SetBlipColourNotOwner'] = 55,
    ['SetBlipColourOwner'] = 3,

    If you press this key along with the MoveToTop key, the object will move upwards.
    However, if you press it alone or with other movement keys, the object will
    move in its current direction without changing its vertical position.

Config.FreeModeKeys = {
    ChangeKey = Keys['LEFTCTRL'],

    MoreSpeed = Keys['.'],
    LessSpeed = Keys[','],

    MoveToTop = Keys['TOP'],            -- Key to move the object upwards (Top Arrow)
    MoveToDown = Keys['DOWN'],          -- Key to move the object downwards (Down Arrow)

    MoveToForward = Keys['TOP'],        -- Key to move the object forward (Top Arrow)
    MoveToBack = Keys['DOWN'],          -- Key to move the object backward (Down Arrow)
    MoveToRight = Keys['RIGHT'],        -- Key to move the object to the right (Right Arrow)
    MoveToLeft = Keys['LEFT'],          -- Key to move the object to the left (Left Arrow)

    RotateToTop = Keys['6'],            -- Key to rotate the object to the top (Number 6)
    RotateToDown = Keys['7'],           -- Key to rotate the object downwards (Number 7)
    RotateToLeft = Keys['8'],           -- Key to rotate the object to the left (Number 8)
    RotateToRight = Keys['9'],          -- Key to rotate the object to the right (Number 9)

    TiltToTop = Keys['Z'],              -- Key to tilt the object to the top
    TiltToDown = Keys['X'],             -- Key to tilt the object downwards
    TiltToLeft = Keys['C'],             -- Key to tilt the object to the left
    TiltToRight = Keys['V'],            -- Key to tilt the object to the right

    StickToTheGround = Keys['LEFTALT'], -- Key to stick the object to the ground (Left Alt)

    Now let's set up our real estate job system!
    As you well know, qs-housing is a system of real estate agents that
    will create houses for sale within your server.
    Here you will have the complete working configuration, where you can
    configure whether to access the work menu, or even keys to open
    this menu, if you want to remove options from the menu or more.

    Please read each setting carefully.

Config.RealEstateMenu = true -- Enable keybind of Config.KeyHouseMenuRealEstate, if need changes go to client/modules/commands.lua
Config.EnableBossMenu = true
Config.EnableDeleteHousesRealEstate = true
Config.KeyHouseMenuRealEstate = 'F6'
Config.HousingTypes = { mlo = true, shell = true, ipl = true }
Config.Realestatejob = {
    ['realestate'] = true,
    ['realestatejob'] = true,

    On the societies, you can choose between the following options or false:

        'none' -- Don't give money to anyone

Config.Society = 'qb-management' -- or "Society" options.
Config.SocietyPorcentage = 50
Config.PercentageForSell = 50
Config.Taxes = { AgencyFee = 7, BankFee = 10, TaxesFee = 20 }

    Advanced configurations of your housing!
    You are doing very well, let's continue with the more advanced configuration
    that will allow you to control the most internal part of your housing.

    Here you will have the mortgage configuration, which has some
    points to clarify before continuing...
    First of all, you can't make it charge for long, just
    charging is allowed within the session, if you restart your server, this count
    of time will start from the beginning, make sure you don't use tenses
    long if you know you will restart your server frequently.

    The rest is about permits for players to sell their houses or
    about the menu inside the house.

Config.Decimals = false
Config.EnableCredit = false   -- Enable or disable mortgages
Config.OnlyInGame = true      -- Counts the time the player is on the server = "true" always count time = "false"
Config.NumberOfPayments = 240 -- Percentage to pay
Config.CreditTime = 30        -- Time between payments, number of minutes, 24h exemple (60*24) Can't be Lower than 5 mins

Config.SellFurniture = 25     -- % This is the % to sell Furniture
Config.SellHouse = true       -- House sell option?
Config.PercentageSell = 50
Config.WordToSell = 'sell'

Config.KeyHouseMenuMlo = 'F5' -- Key to open the housing menu in MLO
Config.MenuOptions = {        -- Options to menus/radial!
    camera = true,
    invite = true,
    givehousekey = true,
    removehousekey = true,
    toggledoorlock = true,
    decorate = true,
    setwardrobe = true,
    setstash = true,
    setcharger = false, -- only for Smartphone
    setlogout = true,
    sellhouse = true,
    changetype = true

    Configuration of robberies and police!
    This section will allow you to configure everything related
    robberies, raids, or even the police housing system.

    For these systems, we will need the scripts:

    And if you want to modify the dispatch, you can do it from client/custom/dispatch.lua!

Config.PoliceRaidItemAllow = true       --Enable or disable the object for the police to raid.
Config.MinimumPoliceGrade = 0           -- Set the minimum grade of the police officer to be able to raid a house
Config.ItemRequired = 'police_stormram' --This is the item needed to initiate the raids.
Config.RamsNeeded = 1                   --This will be the number of times you must do the minigame before opening a door.
Config.TimeAutoCloseDoor = 5            -- In minutes

Config.HouseRobbery = true              --If you activate this, the players will be able to rob the houses.
Config.RequiredCops = 1                 --Minimum number of police officers available to initiate house robberies.
Config.RobberyItem = 'lockpick'         --This is the item needed to rob the houses.
Config.LockpickBrokenChance = 80        --You can modify the chance that the item will break, if you place 0, it will never break, if you place 100, it will always break.

Config.PoliceJob = {
    ['police'] = true,
    -- ['sheriff'] = true,

    Weed system, formerly known as qb-weed
    or qs-weed, now integrated into the housing system by default!

    Plant seed items:


Config.Plants = false                          -- Enable weed plants?
Config.PlantsLimit = 5                         -- Limit plants
Config.HarvestTime = 5                         -- Setting it by hours (1 = 60 minutes)
Config.PoliceFirePlants = true                 -- Police can fire plants?
Config.HarvestItem = 'empty_weed_bag'          -- Require item for harvestItem
Config.HarvestAmountWeed = math.random(12, 16) -- Amount of weed that will give you
Config.HarversAmountSeeds = {                  -- Quantity of seeds that dates you depending on the gender
    male = math.random(1, 5),
    female = math.random(3, 8),

-- Additional items that you will get when collecting the plant
Config.AdditionalItemsChances = 20 -- Chances of getting an additional item, place 1-100 (for example 50 means 50%)
Config.AdditionalItems = {
    ['empty_weed_bag'] = math.random(1, 2),
    -- ['water_bottle'] = 5,

Config.PlantsList = {
    ['og-kush'] = {
        ['label'] = 'OG Kush',
        ['item'] = 'ogkush',
        ['stages'] = {
            ['stage-a'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01c',
            ['stage-b'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01b',
            ['stage-c'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01a',
            ['stage-d'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_med_01b',
            ['stage-e'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01a',
            ['stage-f'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01b',
            ['stage-g'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01b',
        ['highestStage'] = 'stage-g'
    ['amnesia'] = {
        ['label'] = 'Amnesia',
        ['item'] = 'amnesia',
        ['stages'] = {
            ['stage-a'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01c',
            ['stage-b'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01b',
            ['stage-c'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01a',
            ['stage-d'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_med_01b',
            ['stage-e'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01a',
            ['stage-f'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01b',
            ['stage-g'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01b',
        ['highestStage'] = 'stage-g'
    ['skunk'] = {
        ['label'] = 'Skunk',
        ['item'] = 'skunk',
        ['stages'] = {
            ['stage-a'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01c',
            ['stage-b'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01b',
            ['stage-c'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01a',
            ['stage-d'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_med_01b',
            ['stage-e'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01a',
            ['stage-f'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01b',
            ['stage-g'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01b',
        ['highestStage'] = 'stage-g'
    ['ak47'] = {
        ['label'] = 'AK 47',
        ['item'] = 'ak47',
        ['stages'] = {
            ['stage-a'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01c',
            ['stage-b'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01b',
            ['stage-c'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01a',
            ['stage-d'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_med_01b',
            ['stage-e'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01a',
            ['stage-f'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01b',
            ['stage-g'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01b',
        ['highestStage'] = 'stage-g'
    ['purple-haze'] = {
        ['label'] = 'Purple Haze',
        ['item'] = 'purplehaze',
        ['stages'] = {
            ['stage-a'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01c',
            ['stage-b'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01b',
            ['stage-c'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01a',
            ['stage-d'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_med_01b',
            ['stage-e'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01a',
            ['stage-f'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01b',
            ['stage-g'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01b',
        ['highestStage'] = 'stage-g'
    ['white-widow'] = {
        ['label'] = 'White Widow',
        ['item'] = 'whitewidow',
        ['stages'] = {
            ['stage-a'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01c',
            ['stage-b'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01b',
            ['stage-c'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_01_small_01a',
            ['stage-d'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_med_01b',
            ['stage-e'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01a',
            ['stage-f'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01b',
            ['stage-g'] = 'bkr_prop_weed_lrg_01b',
        ['highestStage'] = 'stage-g'

    Command configuration!
    This part is not needed anymore, you could ignore it if you want,
    but I will attach it here so you can know what are all the commands and their executable events :)

Config.Commands = {
    ['createhouse'] = 'createhouse',       --Event: housing:client:createHouses
    ['addgarage'] = 'addgarage',           --Event: housing:client:addGarage
    ['setpolyzone'] = 'setpolyzone',       --Event: housing:client:setPolyZone
    ['givehousekey'] = 'givehousekey',     --Event: housing:client:giveHouseKey
    ['removehousekey'] = 'removehousekey', --Event: housing:client:removeHouseKey
    ['toggledoorlock'] = 'toggledoorlock', --Event: housing:client:toggleDoorlock
    ['decorate'] = 'decorate',             --Event: housing:client:decorate
    ['setwardrobe'] = 'setwardrobe',       --Event: housing:client:setLocation
    ['setstash'] = 'setstash',             --Event: housing:client:setLocation
    ['setchargespot'] = 'setchargespot',   --Event: housing:client:setLocation
    ['setlogout'] = 'setlogout',           --Event: housing:client:setLocation
    ['ring'] = 'ring',                     --Event: housing:client:requestRing
    ['deletehouse'] = 'deletehouse',       --Event: housing:client:deleteHouse
    ['changetype'] = 'changetype',         -- ChangeTypeMenu()
    ['checkhouse'] = 'checkhouse',         -- Server Callback housing:server:getCreditState
    ['housemenu'] = 'housemenu',           -- OpenHouseMenu()
    ['housingfix'] = 'housingfix',         -- Interan command

    Help notification system!
    Your new housing system has a series of notifications that will provide help during the
    creation of the house and during its decoration, to make all this more friendly, you will
    have multiple tips that you can configure.

Config.HomeDecorationTips = {
    title = 'General decorating tips.',
    content = {
        [1] = { text = 'Welcome to decoration mode, here you can buy and place furniture around your house!' },
        [2] = { text = 'Remember that all your furniture will be stored in the box.' },
        [3] = { text = 'You can select the type of furniture in the room-shaped image, just below.' },
        [4] = { text = 'Remember that you can store, remove or even sell your furniture in the box, just below.' },
        [5] = { text = 'Always remember to look at the price of furniture, you may not be able to afford such luxury today!' },
        [6] = { text = 'If you need a guide to controls, pull down the INFORMATION menu just to the right.' },
        [7] = { text = 'Now with Free Mode, everything is faster, you can move any furniture in your house super fast' },

Config.SpawnObjectDecorationTips = {
    title = 'Tips on furniture positioning.',
    content = {
        [1] = { text = 'To move the piece of furniture, you must hold the click on it and drag it around the house to the point you want.' },
        [2] = { text = 'Select the piece of furniture with the red line, keeping the click you can move the piece of furniture throughout the house!' },
        [3] = { text = 'Click on a piece of furniture and drag it around your house, you can also control the height with the arrow keys on your keyboard.' },
        [4] = { text = "Now moving furniture is much easier, you just have to keep clicking on the furniture and drag it, don't forget to manage the height with the keyboard arrows!" },

Config.StashObjectDecorationTips = {
    title = 'Tips on your furniture stash.',
    content = {
        [1] = { text = 'Free Mode allows you to move any piece of furniture in your house quickly and easily, click on the piece of furniture and drag it!' },
        [2] = { text = 'This mode allows you to move the furniture quickly, you just have to keep your click pressed on the furniture and drag it around the house.' },
        [3] = { text = "Don't forget that to move the furniture, you must click on it and drag it, you can also rotate its axis with your mouse wheel." },
        [4] = { text = 'Welcome to the fast decoration mode, better known as Free Mode, here you can customize your house completely easily and quickly!' },

Config.FreeModeDecorationTips = {
    title = 'General tips for free decoration mode.',
    content = {
        [1] = { text = 'Free Mode allows you to move any piece of furniture in your house quickly and easily, click on the piece of furniture and drag it!' },
        [2] = { text = 'This mode allows you to move the furniture quickly, you just have to keep your click pressed on the furniture and drag it around the house.' },
        [3] = { text = "Don't forget that to move the furniture, you must click on it and drag it, you can also rotate its axis with your mouse wheel." },
        [4] = { text = 'Welcome to the fast decoration mode, better known as Free Mode, here you can customize your house completely easily and quickly!' },

Config.CreateHousePolyZone = {
    title = 'Exterior creation.',
    content = 'In this section we must create the decorable and exterior area, in case of the entire green area will be the house.',
    error = 'You lacked add a visiting area, so that players are to visit the house in case of MLO.'

Config.CreateHouseDoors = {
    title = 'Doors selection.',
    content = 'Choose the main door of the house, in case of being double, you will have to select both. You cannot create more than one door at this time, create them with your work menu.',

Config.CreateHouseShell = {
    title = 'Interior selection.',
    content = 'Choose the map you want for housing and its height, we recommend that it be under the map always for a better gameplay.',

Config.CreateHouseIPL = {
    title = 'Interior selection.',
    content = 'Keep in mind that some IPL are allowed to change the color to the walls and soil, but not all.',

    Debug mode, you can see all kinds of prints/logs using debug,
    but it's only for development.

Config.Debug = false
Config.ZoneDebug = false

Config.Houses = {}
Config.WeedArea = {}

Last updated