Police raid

Welcome to police raid system

You will be able to configure this system for your cops. Using the Police Stormram item the cops will be able to open the door of any house, you can add how many Stormram you will need to open a door, and also set the time the door will close automatically.

Config.PoliceRaidItemAllow = true       --Enable or disable the object for the police to raid.
Config.MinimumPoliceGrade = 0           -- Set the minimum grade of the police officer to be able to raid a house
Config.ItemRequired = 'police_stormram' --This is the item needed to initiate the raids.
Config.RamsNeeded = 1                   --This will be the number of times you must do the minigame before opening a door.
Config.TimeAutoCloseDoor = 5            -- In minutes

Last updated