Copy Keys

Welcome to copy keys

With this function you can get copies of your keys for a modifiable price, you can change the location of the store to copy the keys, as well as activate or not the blip of the store.

█▀▀ █▀█ █▀█ █▄█   █▄▀ █▀▀ █▄█ █▀
█▄▄ █▄█ █▀▀ ░█░   █░█ ██▄ ░█░ ▄█

Config.CopyKeysMenu = true --- If you want to use the esx getdistancebetweencoords menu, otherwhise you can make it work with qtarget, the function to open menu is OpenCopyKeys()
Config.OpenCopyKeys = 'E' -- Key to open the key copy menu.
Config.MenuPlacement = 'top-left' -- Position of `esx_menu_default`.
Config.CopyKeysCost = 500 -- Price of the copies of the keys, you can use 0 and it will be free.
Config.CopyKeysLocations = { -- List of stores to copy keys.
	vector3(-31.402076721191, -1647.4393310547, 29.282875061035)

Config.Blip = true -- True or false for disable the blip.
Config.CopyKeysBlip = { -- Blip of the key copy spot.
	BlipName = 'Copy keys',
	BlipSprite = 186,
	BlipColour = 3,
	BlipScale = 0.8,

Last updated