Sell drugs

Welcome to seller

This is a general configuration about sales, you can enable or disable some options, please read and pay attention to what you can change.

You have the first configuration section where you can enable or disable the sale of drugs and enable or disable if you only want retail. You can also add interactivity when selling the drug as a minimum amount. And be careful, add a minimum number of cops so that users do not exploit the drug sale without difficulty.

Config.DrugSeller = true       -- If you put false, there will be no drug sales
Config.OnlyRetailer = false    -- Only retail?

Config.CustomersFindPrice = 50 -- Price for requesting data from buyers
Config.MinWholesaleCount = 10  -- Minimum drug to start the sale

Config.RequiredCops = 0        -- Minimum police to sell drugs
Config.PoliceJob = {
    ['police'] = true,
    --['sheriff'] = true,

You will have a much wider configuration to your liking, you can go to the config/seller.lua file where everything is explained with comments, but as an introduction you can configure probabilities when selling the drug, where you can sell the drug normally, if the npc could be drugged and pay you x2 to the regular value of the drug, if the npc can rob you and if you want the npc to notify the police of the sale.

You can also change the location of the sales but be careful if you don't know what you are doing, and remember not to add more drugs because this can cause problems.

Last updated