Impound and police systems

Welcome to impound and police system

As mentioned above, police officers play an important role within this system.

The police will be able to make use of the impound command, which will allow the police to access a NUI that will give them the necessary information and will allow them to send a car to an impound, in this way they can choose where to send it, for how long, if necessary waiting time or even the price to pay as a fine.

You can configure the appropriate jobs for this role in Config.AllowedJobs.

You can impound using Trigger to avoid export errors, it would even be a freer and more functional option for client-side.

The method of use is as follows:

function ImpoundVehicle(vehicle)
    local vehiclePlate = GetVehicleNumberPlateText(vehicle) -- Search plate
    local vehicleModel = GetDisplayNameFromVehicleModel(GetEntityModel(vehicle)) -- Search model
    TriggerServerEvent("advancedgarages:server:impoundVehicle", vehiclePlate, vehicleModel)

It also has this export to directly impound a specific vehicle in server-side!

Recently we also added an export to directly impound a specific vehicle, for this you must specify the plate of the vehicle you want to impound!


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