
Welcome to Vending System

In this section we present the vending machines, where you can enjoy a complete system by categories. You can create categories by entering the prop model, the name of the category and a title for the category.

In this way, the elements you want are added for each category of vending machines. You can do this configuration in vending.lua.

Code of vending.lua

Config.VendingMachines = {
    ['drinks'] = {
        ['Label'] = 'Drinks',
        ['Items'] = {
            [1] = {
                ['name'] = 'kurkakola',
                ['price'] = 4,
                ['amount'] = 50,
                ['info'] = {},
                ['type'] = 'item',
                ['slot'] = 1,
            [2] = {
                ['name'] = 'water_bottle',
                ['price'] = 4,
                ['amount'] = 50,
                ['info'] = {},
                ['type'] = 'item',
                ['slot'] = 2,
    ['candy'] = {
        ['Label'] = 'Candy',
        ['Items'] = {
            [1] = {
                ['name'] = 'chocolate',
                ['price'] = 4,
                ['amount'] = 50,
                ['info'] = {},
                ['type'] = 'item',
                ['slot'] = 1,
    ['coffee'] = {
        ['Label'] = 'Coffee',
        ['Items'] = {
            [1] = {
                ['name'] = 'coffee',
                ['price'] = 4,
                ['amount'] = 50,
                ['info'] = {},
                ['type'] = 'item',
                ['slot'] = 1,
    ['water'] = {
        ['Label'] = 'Water',
        ['Items'] = {
            [1] = {
                ['name'] = 'water_bottle',
                ['price'] = 4,
                ['amount'] = 50,
                ['info'] = {},
                ['type'] = 'item',
                ['slot'] = 1,

Config.Vendings = {
    [1] = {
        ['Model'] = 'prop_vend_coffe_01', -- Model name of prop
        ['Category'] = 'coffee',          -- Category from list above
        ['Label'] = 'Coffee',             -- Name of vending
    [2] = {
        ['Model'] = 'prop_vend_water_01',
        ['Category'] = 'water',
        ['Label'] = 'Water Dispenser',
    [3] = {
        ['Model'] = 'prop_watercooler',
        ['Category'] = 'water',
        ['Label'] = 'Water Dispenser',
    [4] = {
        ['Model'] = 'prop_watercooler_Dark',
        ['Category'] = 'water',
        ['Label'] = 'Water Dispenser',
    [5] = {
        ['Model'] = 'prop_vend_snak_01',
        ['Category'] = 'candy',
        ['Label'] = 'Candy Vending',
    [6] = {
        ['Model'] = 'prop_vend_snak_01_tu',
        ['Category'] = 'candy',
        ['Label'] = 'Candy Vending',
    [7] = {
        ['Model'] = 'prop_vend_fridge01',
        ['Category'] = 'drinks',
        ['Label'] = 'Drinks Vending',
    [8] = {
        ['Model'] = 'prop_vend_soda_01',
        ['Category'] = 'drinks',
        ['Label'] = 'Drinks Vending',
    [9] = {
        ['Model'] = 'prop_vend_soda_02',
        ['Category'] = 'drinks',
        ['Label'] = 'Drinks Vending',

Last updated