Job-based player blips

Welcome to Job-based player blips

In the config.lua configuration file, you will find the settings for player blips based on their jobs.

In this setting, you can enable or disable blips for players depending on their job. You can also adjust the color, sprite and scale of the blips for each job. You can set different blips and change the sprite for each one.

Config.JobsBlips = {              -- Blips for players depending on their job
    ['police'] = {                --JOB
        show = true,              -- Enable or disable
        color = 38,               -- Color
        sprite = {
            ['walking'] = 1,      -- Sprite
            ['automobile'] = 225, -- sprite
            ['bike'] = 559,       -- sprite
            ['boat'] = 404,       -- sprite
            ['heli'] = 422,       -- sprite
            ['plane'] = 307,      -- sprite
        showJobs = {
            'ambulance' -- need Exist Blip config in this section
        scale = 1.0,    -- Scale
        showConeOfView = true,
    ['ambulance'] = {             --JOB
        show = true,              -- Enable or disable
        color = 66,               -- Color
        sprite = {
            ['walking'] = 1,      -- Sprite
            ['automobile'] = 225, -- sprite
            ['bike'] = 559,       -- sprite
            ['boat'] = 404,       -- sprite
            ['heli'] = 422,       -- sprite
            ['plane'] = 307,      -- sprite
        showJobs = {
            'police' -- need Exist Blip config in this section
        scale = 1.0, -- Scale
        showConeOfView = false,
    ['mechanic'] = {              --JOB
        show = true,              -- Enable or disable
        color = 43,               -- Color
        sprite = {
            ['walking'] = 1,      -- Sprite
            ['automobile'] = 225, -- sprite
            ['bike'] = 559,       -- sprite
            ['boat'] = 404,       -- sprite
            ['heli'] = 422,       -- sprite
            ['plane'] = 307,      -- sprite
        showJobs = {
            -- 'police' -- cant view other job blips
        scale = 1.0, -- Scale
        showConeOfView = false,

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