
Welcome to Trunk System

In this section you can configure the trunk of your vehicles, you can customize in BackEngineVehicles the vehicles that have the stash in front of them, in addition to configuring the weight and slots allowed in each category of vehicles.

Trunk System

For the Trunk, like the GloveBoxes, we have different permission configurations, where you can make only the owner of the vehicle open the trunk or the gloveboxes. You can also configure whether police officers can open the vehicle's trunk or glovebox if the Config.OpenTrunkAll or Config.OpenGloveboxes option is set to false. Also putting the minimum level of police to carry out this action.

Default configuration example

Config.OpenTrunkAll = false          -- Set to true to allow all players to open the trunk of the vehicles / Set false to allow only the owner of the vehicle to open the trunk
Config.OpenTrunkPolice = true        -- If the option above its set to false, set if the police can open the trunk or not anyways
Config.OpenTrunkPoliceGrade = 0      -- Grade from the police will be able to open the trunks

Config.OpenGloveboxesAll = false     -- Set to true to allow all players to open the glovebox of the vehicles / Set false to allow only the owner of the vehicle to open the glovebox
Config.OpenGloveboxesPolice = true   -- If the option above its set to false, set if the police can open the trunk or not anyways
Config.OpenGloveboxesPoliceGrade = 0 -- Grade from the police will be able to open the gloveboxs

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