Police dispatch

Welcome to Police dispatch

Police alerts for the "Police" application of qs-smartphone.

If you are Police, by default, you will have an exclusive application in your App Store. In it you will find MDT functions and also a dispatch system, where you can eliminate or go to the crime scene.

For the alerts to appear, you will have to add each event to your robberies yourself

To run this correctly, you need to add it server-side as follows.

local alertData = {
        title = "Store Robbery",
        coords = {x = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(1)).x, y = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(1)).y, z = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(1)).z},
        description = "A robbery started at the store!"
    TriggerClientEvent("qs-smartphone:client:addPoliceAlert", -1, alertData)

Last updated