Step 3

Asset positioning


This step is one of the most important in the documentation, don't skip this.

The inventory should always start on top of the other resources and in case you have the qb-inventory or qb-weapons folders on your server!

It is important to maintain a good order on our server, either in folders or in our cfg file, where we will place the start of our resources. For this, it is always recommended that our es_extended be positioned above any other resource and in the case of your inventory, it should be positioned below this core.

Make sure you have the correct start order of resources to avoid errors in exports of your framework, if you don't you may receive critical errors.

To correctly start the resource, we recommend that you create a folder in the root of your server called [inventory] and place the package you downloaded in the previous step inside it. In your cfg file you will call it as ensure [inventory], you can put the dependencies inside or use an external folder.


ensure es_extended
ensure [inventory] -- or ensure qs-inventory

-- example
ensure [esx]
ensure [standalone] 
-- all 

Last updated