
Welcome to farming system

You will be able to farm various resources necessary for the drug system, you will be able to make a living or hire workers to collect weed, chemicals or cocaine, and lead the drug world. You can change the farming zones in config/farm.lua.

Below you will find the configuration of plants, where you will add each plant one by one, this system It is tedious but it will help your players not stay afk in a spot farming the same plant, interesting things!

example config file

Config.CollectItems = {          -- Modify the collectibles
    ['weed'] = {
        prop = 'prop_weed_01',   -- Prop
        name = 'Weed',           -- Visual name
        item = 'weed',           -- Item Name
        time = 4000,             -- Progressbar timer
        quantityMin = 1,         -- Minium Amount you will get when collecting
        quantityMax = 5,         -- Max Amount you will get when collecting
        requiredCops = true,     -- Require police online?
        requiredCopsQuantity = 1 -- Minimum of police on duty to collect drugs

    ['meth'] = {
        prop = 'prop_barrel_exp_01a', -- Prop
        name = 'Chemicals',           -- Visual name
        item = 'chemicals',           -- Item Name
        time = 4000,                  -- Progressbar timer
        quantityMin = 1,              -- Minium Amount you will get when collecting
        quantityMax = 5,              -- Max Amount you will get when collecting
        requiredCops = false,         -- Require police online?
        requiredCopsQuantity = 0      -- Minimum of police on duty to collect drugs

    ['cocaine'] = {
        prop = 'prop_plant_cane_02b', -- Prop
        name = 'Cocaine',             -- Visual name
        item = 'cocaine',             -- Item Name
        time = 4000,                  -- Progressbar timer
        quantityMin = 1,              -- Minium Amount you will get when collecting
        quantityMax = 5,              -- Max Amount you will get when collecting
        requiredCops = false,         -- Require police online?
        requiredCopsQuantity = 0      -- Minimum of police on duty to collect drugs

Config.CircleZones = { -- Modify the coordinates, or add more
    ['WeedField'] = {
        coords = vector3(1320.04, 1870.26, 90.83),
        SpawnCoords = {
            vector3(1320.215, 1870.333, 90.85452),
            vector3(1327.837, 1868.747, 92.27645),
            vector3(1324.869, 1861.578, 92.30363),
            vector3(1315.104, 1860.166, 90.54333),
            vector3(1308.948, 1866.706, 88.88728),
            vector3(1310.077, 1876.98, 88.63334),
            vector3(1319.797, 1881.809, 90.20747),
            vector3(1333.231, 1879.296, 92.46505),
            vector3(1343.808, 1869.762, 94.27966),
            vector3(1337.932, 1861.433, 93.82767),
            vector3(1332.817, 1850.088, 93.33994),
            vector3(1340.589, 1849.246, 94.33746),
            vector3(1350.098, 1859.028, 95.41202),
            vector3(1343.933, 1866.611, 94.42379),
            vector3(1328.526, 1885.29, 91.4468),
            vector3(1320.057, 1891.196, 89.80909),
            vector3(1299.274, 1869.89, 86.87721),
            vector3(1301.823, 1859.475, 87.80598)

    ['ChemicalsField'] = {
        coords = vector3(817.46, -3192.84, 5.9),
        SpawnCoords = {
            vector3(814.7153, -3195.444, 5.900818),
            vector3(817.7902, -3200.771, 5.900818),
            vector3(820.09, -3194.618, 5.900818),
            vector3(817.5483, -3189.987, 5.900818),
            vector3(811.2111, -3189.486, 5.900818),
            vector3(810.2635, -3192.79, 5.900818),
            vector3(812.1355, -3199.094, 5.900818),
            vector3(808.2501, -3201.11, 5.900818),
            vector3(812.5481, -3200.223, 5.900815)

    ['CocainaField'] = {
        coords = vector3(16.34, 6875.94, 12.64),
        SpawnCoords = {
            vector3(16.33991, 6875.94, 12.63982),
            vector3(20.36974, 6871.238, 13.07422),
            vector3(15.21229, 6865.497, 12.72771),
            vector3(6.707561, 6867.579, 12.6143),
            vector3(8.672844, 6873.903, 12.46061),
            vector3(16.59974, 6882.196, 12.51987),
            vector3(22.7651, 6876.811, 13.19112),
            vector3(27.99341, 6872.438, 13.75746),
            vector3(14.50345, 6869.238, 12.67547),
            vector3(6.396118, 6860.454, 12.84791),
            vector3(-0.7274725, 6865.107, 12.78476)

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