Step 7

Items and their utilities

Keep in mind that both weapons are unique items within our system, so we manage the metadata and durability system in a comfortable and optimal way.

In case of adding custom weapons, please complete correctly all mods inside config/weapons.lua otherwise it won't work.

Like other metadata-based inventories, we will have a configuration file where we will add the items and their basic utilities, for example if it is usable, if it is unique and stackable, if it is a mergeable item or others.

To add and modify our items, we must access the file that you will find inside shared/ (this means that we will not use the conventional item database), in which we can add the items and weapons. Don't forget that weapons must be added as both weapons and items for them to work correctly.

Please do not remove items from our package, just add more in the last line of each file, that way we will avoid errors in the use of the asset.


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