Playe Style

Welcome to plate style

With this function you can alter the style of the plate, adding variations between numbers and letters, as well as adding spaces or not.

█▀█ █░░ ▄▀█ ▀█▀ █▀▀   █▀ ▀█▀ █▄█ █░░ █▀▀
█▀▀ █▄▄ █▀█ ░█░ ██▄   ▄█ ░█░ ░█░ █▄▄ ██▄

Config.PlateLetters = 3 -- Modify here the type of plate.
Config.PlateNumbers = 3 -- Modify here the type of plate.
Config.PlateUseSpace = true -- Modify here the type of plate.
Config.TimeToChange = 5000 -- Time to change the plate (ms)


You will be able to add the necessary items to manage the plate system, either using a menu or using the qs-shops resource, both options will be accessible through peds.

Config.PlateType = 'menu' -- Shop or Menu
-- Choose from the following options.
        'shop' (qs-shop)
        'menu' (menu defined above)

-- Both of these items will be present in the shop or menu accessible through Peds.
-- For ESX account should be money, for qbcore it should be cash or bank.

-- Choose from the following options. For the account.
        'money' (ESX ONLY)
        'cash' (QBCORE ONLY)
        'bank' (BOTH)

Config.PlateItem = 'plate' -- Name of the item plate.
Config.PlatePrice = {
    price = 500,
    account = 'money',

Config.ChangePlateItem = 'screwdriver' -- Item required to use the plate.
Config.ChangePlateItemPrice = {
    price = 150,
    account = 'money',

Last updated